If you read a bit about Bentley yesterday, you will know that we had to make an unexpected trip to the Drs. office yesterday.. we were given no definite news, but also a little unexpected possible scary news. There is a spot on Bentley's incision that appears to be infected... so we called and were told to come in right away... Bentley's pediatrician was on vacation so she was seen by another pediatrician in the office. He seems to think it is either irritated or infected so he called in an antibiotic creme and he wants to follow up in a few days so he can see it and compare. We are praying that this creme will help. Now the scary part.. he repeatedly stressed that we must watch this extrememly close.. if there is any sign at all that this is getting worse and not better.. we have to go back to the dr. office right away... he said it could very well be MRSA (aka staph) that it is going around right now. Which is very scary to us... it can be fatal. So we can only hope and pray that this is not MRSA and the creme will help remove any infection that may be there. I guess, at the moment we can look on the bright side that he was not alarmed enough about this to take further action, it's just scary. This is also a little frustrating because we have taken such good care of the incision, because of Bentley's age.. she is contsantly drooling so since day 1 we have been taking all steps to keep the incision perfect and well protected.
Oh, and the girl IS gaining weight. She has gained 1 pound in just almost but not quite 3 weeks.. this is a lot for her. =)
Remember Shannon, she won a engraved tile from Engraved Uniques. Here is the one she picked out.. isn't great! I just love them. By the way, Kaye has Bentley's tile up on her site and it can be purchased at the link above.

I love her outfit! I love animal print, Kynlie has two diaper bags with zebra and hot pink print and tons of clothes (probably too many LOL). She looks so sweet in those pictures!! I'll be praying for your sweet girl. Keep us updated ;)
Oh man that is scary stuff. Keep us posted. And she does look as adorable as ever.
ReplyDeleteMark had staph infection and almost lost his arm, thus why he doesn't play football anymore (NFL)...
That stuff is no joke. Praying
Oh my, how scary, sweetheart! I will be praying for you all!
I am hoping that it is just infected and that the creme heals it quickly. Please know we are thinking and praying for you guys.
ReplyDeleteAs always, Bentley looks adorable!
I am sorry to hear about the infection. I will be praying for quick healing. Love that tile. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteAwe! Poor Baby Bentley!
ReplyDeleteMy sons and I are notorious for staph infections... whenever summer hits, our own sweat irritates our sensitive skin. So,I know how horrible she must be feeling and how incredibly painful it is for you to see her go through this.
Be vigilant, be extra anitibacteria freak crazy! I do! HAHA!
We usually get antibiotics and pain reliever to help with the infection and then we use boil ease (not sure if that's feasible for Bentley if staph IS the case).
Good luck and keep us posted!
Hey...it's been a while since I've been over here. I hadn't read your previous post so I had no clue about you guys having to go to the Dr. I will be praying that the medicine works!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE, LOVE the shirt that Kristin made for Bentley. She makes such beautiful things! She made an awesome birthday shirt for Alyssa that we love. She is so talented and she is such a great friend. Love her!
MRSA is going around right now..i live in Temple and it seems like it's everywhere. I have it and it's no fun...we are really hoping I can get rid of it before I have my baby because I have to have a c-sec. Anyhow, I will pray that it is NOT MRSA and that this cream takes care of everything. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteAwe, poor baby! She is so adorable. I will pray for her little incision heals up. Take care!
ReplyDeleteContinuing to pray for sweet Bentley- feel better soon sweetie!
ReplyDeleteAwww! She looks adorable as ever! Thanks so much for being so sweet to me! I will be praying for Bentley that her little incision heals up....those antibiotic creams work wonders....we have one that I have had and we use it every time we see any sign of infection on scratches, etc. and it always works great. I bet it will heal her right up and she'll be better in no time!
ReplyDeleteI'm praying that the creme works and it's nothing more!!!! Keep us updated on that :)
ReplyDeleteI love her outfit...it's adorable..of course not as cute as she is!
What a doll! I am praying SO hard that it is NOT infection. We have been down that road and I know what it entails... and it SUCKS quite frankly!
ReplyDeleteYou know Ky's story... so just watch out for the labored breathing as it is a sign of fluid around the heart.... that is what sent us back for a second OHS.
Huge hugs... and you know if you ever need to talk or even ask a quick ?? PLEASE don't hesitate to call or email!
I just have to leave you a note to say..my husband is a PT and has had MRSA a few times (working in a hospital). Get a product called Hibicleanse...http://www.hibigeebies.com/sports/ Its available at Walgreens..just ask the pharmacist and we always get the pinkish red kind. I wash my hands with it as well my body when he has staff and he does as well. Its not soothing or moisturizing but hey it will kill or prevent it from spreading (I have never gotten MRSA). I would also make sure you don't share towels of any sort or bedding. A small chip clip can be used to mark towels..name with a permanent marker. I also use Fantastick Antibacterial heavy duty spray to clean the house (everything)..it kills MRSA.
ReplyDeletei love seeing lil bentley! she looks great and sooo adorable! U really have the most precious family! and i love the plaque!
ReplyDeleteOh goodness girl...I hope she is ok. Hang in there and keep us posted on what is going on. Sending up prayers now...
ReplyDeleteHugs, Angie