She will be making a visit to our house tonight! Brenna lost her 3rd tooth today. Ryan and Bryson were at track practice and Bentley was napping. Brenna is really good when it comes to losing teeth. She is one that really helps me because she is so ready for the tooth fairy to come. ha! I have a funny story to share about this but I will wait another day. I also still need to show Brenna's new hair style, but I am slacking with uploading pictures. So one day I will post about this too!!
Update on Bentley... with the help of the antibiotic, the spot on Bentley's incision is getting better. Praise God!!! It is still there, but showing signs of getting better and not worse, that puts one big smile on my face!! She is so sweet. She is getting chunky and showing more personality everyday!!!
I just had this talk with Hunter night before last. He now knows the truth about Tooth Fairy, Santa and Easter Bunny. He was mad, then sad and then laughing about all in about 10 minute span. :(
ReplyDeleteI was actually going to write a post about it, and I will, for the book. I got out his very first two teeth that I kept and let him see them. He thought that was cool and he was comparing his baby teeth to his teeth now.
I told him he is lucky though, for he still gets to enjoy the magic for a few more years since he has a baby sister. :) He liked that idea.
Then he asked "can I be santa one time with you?' LOL
My kids love for the fairy to visit too.:)
ReplyDeleteThey love the money left behind.
I have been praying for Bentley. So glad it is looking better.
Yay for Brenna! Hope the tooth fairy was good to her :)
ReplyDeleteI've been so worried about Bentley...I'm so relieved to hear that her incision is improving!!!!!
Praise HIM that her incision is looking better...we will keep praying!
ReplyDeleteYAY for the tooth fairy...I love seeing how excited they get over that! I can't wait to see Brenna's new hairstyle!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that Bentley's incision is getting better. I can't wait to see Brenna's new hair style. Hurry up and post pictures!
I can remember how excited I was about losing teeth and the toothfairy when I was younger. When I found out it was my parents, I was so bummed.
So glad to hear her incision is doing better! MRSA is a scary thing! My little one was hospitalized with it 2 years ago, and my husband this year! But as long as you keep your eyes on any infection, it can be treated effectively! I was sitting there thinking about all you've been through, and then to have to worry about that! Prayers for little girl!
ReplyDeleteI so miss the tooth fairy days....we also had a tonsil fairy at our place! I don't know why the doctor let her take those home, but after abuot 5 days I couldn't look at them no more....that's when I "made a phone call to the tonsil fairy". I told her she was late on her pick up.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear about the cute story!!!! And def. can't wait to see more cute pictures of your kidos :)
ReplyDeleteHope all is well...Love-Hugs and Prayers
The Tooth Fairy...How fun...those were the good ol'days. ; ) I just recently became a follower and reading about Bentleys journey...God Bless her!!! Your family is in my thoughts & prayers!!!
ReplyDeleteLove from Arizona