Monday, July 27, 2009


So it is time for favorite kid photos... well, honestly... there is no way I have a favorite. I am too obessed with my kids and photos so that's impossible. But here are 3 favorites from this past weekend. We had to go on a mini trip out of town this past weekend (more on this in another post) I took the below pictures of my 3 babies!!! Well, I have a ton more.. some really fun ones to share, but I am going to post 3 here and a lot more with other post I mentioned explaining what we were doing here.

above: Bentley is cheesing, showing her pearly whites! Yes, look closely and you can see at least one tooth on top that I talked about a while back. The other top one is there and slightly peaking in, in this picture.. but very hard to see. In real life, they are both very there.. and not hard to see.
above: oh here is one of my favorites of Bentley taken a couple of weeks ago. I love everything about it.. her expression, her eyes, her smile, her beauitiful heart scar peaking through, her messy hair, the colors.. everything!

above: Bryson, Brenna, and Bentley posing for momma and daddy. OOPS!! Bryson's jersey just gave it away. Yes, we were at a track meet.. we were at the state track meet he ran in at the Alamo Stadium in San Antonio, Texas. (more on this later)

above: And here is another. This is beside the Alamo.

Can't wait to see yours!!!

And for those of you asking.. Bentley will be going to her follow up from surgery this Friday. Thanks so much for your support. I sure do heart my blog friends!!!

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Beautiful photos. This is going to be a super fun blog hop. I will add Bentley to my prayer list, praying her follow up goes well.

  2. What cuties! Bentley has such beautiful blue eyes... reminds me of my blog hop photo! lol!

  3. Lovely, lovely pictures! Will be praying for you and the wee one for a great followup.


  4. you have a very beautiful family!!! What wonderful pictures.

  5. Nice shots. I love the expression in the first.

  6. Your children are so cute. i do love that photo of Bentley on the red blanket...she is just glowing! Beautiful!

  7. Your kiddos are beautiful!! Happy hopping!

  8. My son does the same thing in the stroller - puts his feet up on the tray - like, "Ok Mama, take me for a ride!" LOL Adorable children

  9. You have a beautiful family! That little Bentley is too adorable!

  10. I just love the pictures! I love Bentley's smile with her little tooth poking out. And I love the red colors in that one picture too.

  11. Great shots. I couldn't pick just one either!

  12. aw, such cute kiddos you have!
    all great pics :)

  13. Great pictures. All your kids are just precious!!

  14. Love the smiles...and the toes...and I HAVE the red chair. (Love that too.)

    I'm sure Bentley's appointment will be great but will say a quick prayer just to be

  15. looks like you guys must have had fun @ the alamo! so cool! from florida, maranatha

  16. I can't wait to hear how the trackmeet went. Or is it track meat? No... meat is like meat we eat. Maybe two works track meet? I dunno. Love all the pictures!!! I love Bentley's new teethers.

  17. Your kids are just plain gorgeous!!

    We LOVED Seaworld! It was way too hot for me though.. pregos and heat don't mix! hah!

    Ok I am so loving the design you did for my friend Amanda on the Abby Grace blog!! It rocks..

    I may need a blog design.. do you have prices listed? I'll check and see!

  18. Stopping by from the blog hop! Your children are gorgeous!

  19. What a beatiful family you have! Great shots! - popping over from blog hop : )

  20. Theresa @ Heavenly GlimpsesJuly 29, 2009 at 1:48 PM



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