Saturday, June 27, 2009


Bentley's incision is looking wonderful! The infected area, is definitely clearing up quickly and nicely. Thank you so much for the prayers! I cannot believe how big she is getting.. I am serious.. she is getting THICK! I love it! I PROMISE I will post pictures later today!

A few days ago I came across this video while reading Drama Mama's blog. I thought it was hilarious. I cannot watch it without laughing uncontrollably. It is titled "Are Women Born This Way"... too funny! I just had to show Ryan because he is always giving me a hard to for talking so much. ha!!!

I'll post again later today... have a good day ya'll!!!


  1. OMG! That is hilarious!!!!!

    So happy to hear that Bentley's incision is still healing and looking better! You really had me worried!!!! :) Can't wait to see her pics....I need my Bentley fix!

  2. So glad her incision is doing better I have been praying.
    that video is hysterical. I have a son that talks that much too though. LOL
    I just need earplugs some days. LOL

  3. Yea women are born SMARTER, FASTER and MATURER .....than those pesky boys. So we talk sooner too, and maybe a little more... or A LOT more. Its because we have so much to get done in so little time. Doesn't it still seem that way today as moms??? We talk fast and often because we are having to constantly repeat ourselves to get things done around the house from hubby's and kiddos. So we start young to master what we use as adults and parents. LOL

    Glad Bentley is feeling better.

  4. This video was so funny! I couldn't believe that baby girl could talk that fast! (And with hardly taking a breath!) Thanks for posting this! It was great.
    We all need light hearted moments like this.

    LKinda @ Truthful Tidbits

  5. I've seen this video before. It is so funny! Can't wait to see pictures. Happy to hear that Bentley's incision is healing!

  6. That is a great video. I've seen it before and just love it!

    Awesome news about her incision!

  7. I loved that! I've actually seen it before but can't get enough of it. Absolutely cracks me up.

    BTW, I've been here before, but I can't remember if I ever left a comment. Kristin told me about your daughter and I prayed for her while she was in the hospital having surgery. I've had a daughter with heart problems, so I felt I knew how to pray for you through the surgery.

    I'm so glad she is doing well. And so happy to hear her incision irritation is getting better.

    Have a lovely weekend.
    Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground

  8. So glad Bentley is healing! And that video was hilarious!

  9. I am so lovin' that video!! To adorable! Glad Bentley's healing is going better!

  10. SOOO cute.
    My oldest daughter used to babble like that when she was little. We LOVED it. Though I never thought to video it.. LOL.

  11. That cracked me up! And I, too, can relate as talking is not something I seem to have a problem with! So glad to hear that the little miss is doing so well!

  12. I'm so glad to hear Bentley is recovering well! :) She is adorable!

    I've seen that video before, way too funny!! LOL!

  13. So happy to hear that Bentley is healing; I will keep her in my thoughts & prayers! That video is hilarious!!


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