Thursday, February 4, 2010


I am in love with these two pictures. They really show some of Bentley's personality. Remeber in a past post how I mentioned she liked to be half time entertainment? Well, last weekends basketball games were no different. Bentley loves attention, she is a social butterfly. I'm not sure if it is a girl thing because Brenna is the same way. But Brenna was not this young... Bentley on the other hand is all about everyone. It's the cutest thing.

I don't think you can tell in the pictures, but I am sitting in front of Bentley against a wall. All the parents sit along this wall. Bentley enjoys walking up and down the line of people talking, dancing, waving, screaming, etc. She really THRIVES off their energy. If they give her attention, that's just more of a show she will put on for them. It's hilarious and very cute. I don't remember exactly what she was doing her but I was glad to catch her in that moment.

These pictures really let the "big girl" that she is show. Bentley is full of fun and we are loving every bit. She even "puts on a show" while throwing fits. I am going to try my hardest to catch it on video because we just can't get enough of it... if she gets upset about somthing she will "slowly" and "carefully" lay down on the ground and scream a very fake scream. When I say slowly and carefully she is really aware of what's around her so she does not hit anything or hurt herself. Basically she is throwing one huge fake fit. Then once we quite paying attention to her she will get up and run in front of us and do it all over again... and so on.. Yes she goes on for a while with this. Just more of those moments that I love!!!

ps. If you haven't made it over to my new photography blog you can by clicking here. I know a lot of you are interested in photography yourself and I will slowly be adding things on there that might interest you. For those are you that are interested you can stay updated there, by going to my new blog, scroll down to the bottom and follow.
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