We had Bentley's 18 month well check up today and needless to say, this is what she looked like most of the time. She is not a fan of the Dr. office. Her fits seem to get worse each appointment. Bless her heart... she had her surgery when she was 9 months old (so there is memory) and we just think she is reminded of so many people in scrubs messing with her. Hopefully as she gets older she will calm down. Her appointment went great!! She is now 20lb and 9oz... getting bigger!!! She is small for her age, but she is growing right on track considering her heart. We did find out she has an ear infection. We had no idea... she has not shown any symptoms, but that could explain her being fussy yesterday. Her pedi says that it is mild and clearly not bothering her so we will just keep an eye on it... I am happy to say that she is almost 2 and this is her first ear infection ever!!!
She noticed the books!! This girl loves to read.
The weather is super nice out today, so considering Bentley is in desperate need of Spring and Summer clothes and she was feeling just fine... we made a run to Target. One of my favorite stores. They have the cutest clothes and such a great price. Here are some of the things we found.
These shoes are so much cuter in person. We got them too!!!
I have to run.. we are off to softball practice tonight and hubs is rushing me out the door!!
ps. Not proof reading this.. so if anything sounds odd, sorry for the typo!!! =)
Have a great day friends!!!!