Yes!! You are on the right blog... I have updated my look and I am just loving it. I have also updated Bentley's button and my blog button on the right if you would like to grab it. Every time I look at my blog now, I get even more excited for summer!!! My body is not ready for summer though, I have been slacking in the workout department... ugh- why does it have to be so hard to lose weight.
A few of you are asking... I did forget to upload Bentley's Easter egg hunt a couple of days ago... will do that most likely tonight. I also haven't uploaded Bentley's dancing... I am actually hanging on to the small clips and trying to get a few more to put them together for a longer video.
I have been so busy lately working on a website. I have been building and designing a website for the travel/select baseball team Bryson plays for. It's a pretty large organization made up of 4 baseball teams... in other words it is by far the most complex site I have built. But I was more than happy to do it. You can always tell when I get over loaded because I seem to disappear from my blog. I hate that I do that, but I must take care of first things first. My part is complete on the site, so I am back to my normal routine... hopefully I am back to my normal blog routine as well. =) I always miss you guys.
2 years ago